Guide to novated lease residual values

Sean Callery
Pay for a new or used car plus running costs through your salary to save $1,000s in tax.
These estimates are for illustrative purposes only and assume a driver in NSW, with annual pre-tax salary of $100,000, driving 15,000km per year over a five-year lease. Running costs include fuel/electricity, comprehensive car insurance, registration and CTP, servicing and tyres. Pricing is for base vehicle model. These estimates should not be considered as final or binding. Actual costs and savings may vary based on your individual circumstances, including your financial situation, tax bracket, and changes in government policies.
A novated lease is a way of financing a new or used vehicle and paying for car running costs through your pre-tax salary. With a novated lease you pay less income tax and save on GST on the up-front cost of the vehicle and ongoing costs. A novated lease involves your employer, but the vehicle can be used 100% for personal use. Because the payments come directly from your salary, novated leasing is sometimes referred to as salary packaging or salary sacrificing a car.
Maximum up-front GST saving on most vehicles purchased under a novated lease
Interest rates on novated leases start from
8% p.a.
Max purchase price on EV/PHEVs eligible for the novated lease electric car discount
Potential income tax saving* on eligible car costs salary sacrificed (depending on income)
Source: Australian Taxation Office for FY 2024/25 and analysis. *Includes Medicare levy of 2%.
Let’s look step-by-step at how a novated lease works:
Shaun McGowan, Founder of
Analysis by found that novated leases can be more than 25% cheaper than financing the same car with a car loan. In some cases, a novated lease with running costs included can even work out cheaper than buying a car and with cash and paying for running costs the traditional way. See how much a novated lease is for you with this novated lease calculator from the team at Novated Lease Australia.
Shaun McGowan, Founder of
Interest rates on a novated lease generally start from around 8-12% p.a. but can be higher depending on your situation. Novated lease interest rates are generally influenced by the same factors as car loan interest rates.
Your credit history
Drivers with higher credit scores (reflecting a clean credit history) will generally qualify for lower interest rates on their novated lease finance.
The age of the vehicle
Newer vehicles generally qualify for lower rates.
Whether you are a homeowner
Drivers who own their own home (with or without a mortgage) are generally viewed as being less risky and qualify for lower rates as a result.
Employment history
If you have a strong history of employment in your industry, you may qualify for lower rates.
How a novated lease can save you money
The example below demonstrates the potential savings on one of Australia's most popular vehicles.
1. Fully maintained novated lease
With a fully maintained novated lease, you package the running costs of the vehicle into your pre-tax payment, which saves you even more money.
This is by far the most popular choice. Not least because you will also pay no GST on the running costs for your vehicle.
The fully maintained option includes:
These costs will be estimated based on the number of kilometres you intend to drive each year but can be changed later on.
Depending on the agreement, you may have the option to choose the supplier for these (e.g. your insurer of choice). Or you might be limited to the leasing company’s preferred supplier (e.g. a fuel card that can only be used at certain petrol stations).
2. Non-maintained novated lease
With a non-maintained novated lease, your payments only cover the vehicle repayments and the finance costs, including interest and fees. You’ll need to cover the running costs of the vehicle yourself.
3. Self-managed novated lease
With a self-managed novated lease, you arrange the finance with a lender yourself. A novated leasing company may then assist with setting up the salary sacrifice with your employer or you might have to do this yourself.
How to qualify for a novated lease
You can generally qualify for a novated lease if you are:
How is a novated lease different to a car loan?
A novated lease and a car loan are both ways of financing a vehicle, with no restrictions on whether the vehicle is used for personal or business purposes.
The main with a novated lease vs a car loan the main difference is in how the vehicle is financed and taxed:
What kind of car can I finance with a novated lease?
A common misconception among people considering a novated lease is that it’s 'only for new cars.’ Not so.
You can also a novated lease to finance a used car. In fact, you can get a novated lease for more or less any car, provided it:
You can typically also use a novated lease whether you buy through a car dealership or private seller. Just bear in mind there generally is no GST saving with a private sale.
What is novated lease fringe benefits tax (FBT)?
An important point to bear in mind is that your employer may need to pay fringe benefits tax (FBT) on the novated lease benefit provided to you. This is a tax that applies to most non-salary employee benefits. Employers typically pass this cost onto the employee.
But in 2022 the Australian government announced that low- and zero-emission vehicles – electric cars (EVs) and plugin-hybrids (PHEVs) – would be exempt from FBT up to the luxury car tax threshold.
This means eligible electric car novated leases are eligible for significant further savings.
What happens at the end of a novated lease?
You have three options available at the end of your novated lease:
The balloon or ‘residual’ amount is a pre-determined lump-sum repayment made at the end of the novated lease term.
The residual amount will vary, and shorter terms will have higher residuals attached.
If you are using the car to travel extensively (35,000 km or more per year) you can usually opt for a lower residual.
Speak to your leasing provider about this.
Do I have to drive a minimum number of kilometres?
The short answer is no. There used to be a requirement, but that was over 10 years ago. It doesn't matter whether you drive 10,000 km or 30,000 km or whether you drive for personal or business use.
Can I use a novated lease if I am self-employed?
If you are self-employed — i.e. are not paid a salary by an employee or receiving a salary through your own company — you will need to look at alternative forms of vehicle finance, such as a chattel mortgage for business vehicles, or low-doc car loan.
Can I use a novated lease to finance heavy vehicles?
Novated leasing allows for a maximum vehicle payload of 1,000 kg — if you want to finance heavy machinery, a non-passenger vehicle, or vehicles with a heavier payload than the maximum limit, you may wish to consider a chattel mortgage or equipment finance as alternatives.
What is FBT and ECM for a novated lease?
In salary packaging a vehicle, Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is a tax paid by an employer for certain benefits received by employees. The Employee Contribution Method (ECM) is a way to reduce the FBT liability to a nil balance by having the employee make post-tax contributions to maintaining the vehicle.
What is the lowest salary I need to get approval for a novated lease?
The lowest salary you need for a novated lease will depend on the cost of the vehicle being novated. Novated leasing approval is dependent on your capacity as a borrower, and with a minimum vehicle price of $15,000 on a 5-year term with a 25% balloon payment, even employees on a modest salary can take advantage of novated lease benefits.
What happens if you lose your job with a novated lease?
If you leave your job during the term of your novated lease, you will still be responsible for finance payments on the vehicle. The lease will be “de-novated”, the running costs are removed from the agreement and repayments will continue much the same way as a standard car loan.
When you are employed again — provided your new employer agrees to salary packaging the vehicle — the lease can be re-novated, and revert back to its initial state including running costs.
What happens if you want to change employers and have a novated lease?
If your new employer accepts novated leasing, then you will simply be able to transfer your lease to them. There is a bit of paperwork involved, but largely this is a seamless process.
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Vehicle value